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Christmas Card Contest

Posted by | Catholic Charities Communications

This year, Catholic Charities of Oregon reinstated the annual Christmas Card Contest. The tradition invites participants from local Catholic schools to submit art to be used in a special Christmas greeting card for Catholic Charities’ communications.

We are thrilled to be hosting this again and are so grateful to all the incredible students who participated this year.

Congratulations to our Christmas card contest winners:

Gia Radlinski, grade 6, Holy Redeemer School, Portland

Genevieve, grade 4, St. Francis School, Sherwood

Jane Larsen, grade 6, Holy Redeemer School, Portland

Finny Zibilich, grade 7, Holy Redeemer School, Portland

Ceci Di Salvo, grade 7, Holy Cross School, Portland

Sophia Francesconi, grade 2, All Saints School, Portland

Here’s a link to all 188 submissions for your viewing pleasure




A silhouette manger scene with powerful sunset colors by Gia Radlinski, grade 6, Holy Redeemer School, Portland


An angel with swooping lines, motion, and a wink by Genevieve, grade 4, St. Francis School, Sherwood


A circular medallion with star, shepherd and attentive sheep by Jane Larsen, grade 6, Holy Redeemer School, Portland