Catholic Charities of Oregon achieves lasting solutions to poverty and injustice by partnering with clients to meet their economic and educational goals and to support their physical and social well-being. Explore our programs and services.

Disaster Preparedness
On this page you will find resources for how to stay safe and take care during severe weather and natural disaster.

Caritas Housing
At the start of the new millennium, it became clear to us that more affordable housing was a key to serving people who’d been pushed to the margins of society. We now have more than 1,000 units of affordable housing across western Oregon.

Community Services
For the most vulnerable residents in our housing or for those in the wider community, we provide support needed for long-term stability in housing.

Homeless Services
With the goal of transitioning to permanent housing, Catholic Charities of Oregon gives those living outside the resources and support they need to build lasting stability and self-sufficiency.

Migrant Services
The Catholic Church recognizes the right of all nations to control their borders and the flow of migrants within. At the same time, the church recognizes the right of individuals to migrate in search of safety and security, which often means leaving one’s country of origin.

Our center for volunteerism provides meaningful opportunities for people to engage with Catholic Charities of Oregon and their communities. By giving their time and energy in service to others, volunteers help make our mission possible.